The Agencia Catalana de l’Aigua (ACA) relies on the structure of the Grupo ADTEL to optimize security and video surveillance in the reservoirs of the internal basins of Catalunya. Thanks to the multidisciplinary nature of Grupo ADTEL and the experience of AB Seguridad in the protection, fire and security sector for more than 30 years, the ACA has signed the contract to install and improve the security and video surveillance systems of the internal basins de Catalunya.
Reservoirs are critical and strategic infrastructures for water management and these actions will increase their security systems. Baells, Sant Ponç, Darnius Boadella and Siurana will install new and more advanced surveillance devices. In Sau, Foix and Llosa del Cavall, will we work to adapt the security systems that were previously installed.

The new video surveillance system that will be implemented in the dams managed by the ACA will be made up of cameras of different types and characteristics (fixed, mobile) and support elements for the surveillance, control and security of facilities such as electrical, volumetric sensors, magnetic contacts, among others. All the information collected through the system will be managed through an integrating software that can be viewed and analyzed centrally.
Lluís Ridao, director of the Catalan Water Agency (ACA), visited the facilities of the AB Seguridad company in Molins de Rei to learn more about the ADTEL Group. The Catalan Agency of l’Aigua (ACA) is the public company attached to the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat in charge of executing the government’s policy on wate.
ACA Press release
You can consult the AB Seguridad website to know its services and success stories of security, protection, anti-fire, anti-intrusion.