The IOn Technology audiovisual solution of the ADTEL Group at the Beijing 2022 Olympics

solución audiovisual

IOn Technology participates again in the Olympics as a recording and retransmission solution for press conferences in the annual edition of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games.

As in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, the project is led by the AREACAD team, which has been in charge of integrating the IOn solution in one of the Beijing 2022 conference rooms. The Olympic organization responsible for communications, Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS), uses the audiovisual production of IOn to broadcast the press conferences on the screens of the venue. At the same time, IOn also integrates the broadcast with the Bluejeans videoconference for attendees who cannot attend in person, thanks to IOn’s hybrid broadcast format. Inside the room, AXIS cameras and an AUDIO-TECHNICA conference system have been installed for each of the attendees who want to participate.


Sala de conferencias de las Olimpiadas de Beijing 2022 con IOn Technbology


Sala de conferencias de las Olimpiadas de Beijing 2022 con IOn Technbology



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